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Legal information

Editorial Management

27 route de la Loire
Tel. +33 (0)2 40 33 32 60 -

Managing editor:

Arnaud Queru

Website creation and design

All information on the website's creation and design is available through the following link:

User rights and obligations

The information published on this site is property of Simon. No copying in whole or in part may be carried out without the permission of Simon. Users are responsible for the queries they make, as well as for their interpretation and use of the results. It is their responsibility to use them in a manner compliant with the regulations in force, and with the recommendations of the National Commission for Data Processing and Freedoms (CNIL) when the data is personally identifiable. In particular, they must be aware that the information may not be used other than for strictly personal purposes, and that taking screen captures to reconstruct or supplement a database of personally identifiable information is contrary to French law and therefore prohibited, as is using the information for commercial or advertising purposes.

Personal data

In accordance with Act no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the treatment of personal data, modifying Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, this site has been declared to the CNIL (declaration no. pending). Legal texts (available on the CNIL's website: Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing, files and freedoms, known as the Data Processing and Freedoms Act, Decision of the CNIL no. 81-97 of 21 July 1981 adopting a recommendation regarding general security measures for computer systems, Act no. 88-19 of 5 January 1988 on computerised fraud, known as the Godfrain Act.


Applicable law

The present legal information is subject to internal French law. The language of the information is French. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


All content (photos, text, video, sound, etc.) that can be consulted on this site remains the exclusive property of Simon and/or of its partners, and is governed by French copyright and intellectual property law. All reproduction rights are reserved, including those for downloadable documents and for iconographic and photographic representations.Any retrieval and/or reproduction of a substantial portion of the information published on the site is prohibited without the prior authorisation of Simon, and constitutes an infringement punishable under Articles L.335-2 ff. of the Intellectual Property Code.The Intellectual Property Code specifies that an image's source must be cited, or its author's authorisation must be requested. It acts only within the framework of the respect of copyright. As an intellectual creation, the images (including screen copies) are therefore protected by copyright (Art. L112-2-9 of the Intellectual Property Code). The reproduction or representation without authorisation of the images, text or documents is punishable under civil law by an order for damages and interest. These damages and interest are calculated on a case-by-case basis. They depend on the victim's loss of earnings, the damage suffered due to the distorted presentation of the site and the repercussions that the site's author may have suffered from it, the matter in which the image was presented, and what it might have brought to the creator in financial terms.

Photo credits:

Simon Group - Fotolia